3 Communication Secrets from Apple

Become a ridiculously effective presenter with these 3 secrets from Apple:

1. People respond to passion ⚡️

Passion is contagious. It’s all in your vocal delivery. That’s why what you say isn’t nearly as important as how you say it.

Show emotion when you speak.

2. Focus on your audience 🎭

When you speak, help your audience “catch” your message.

What does your audience want? What can you do for your audience

3. Practice for 90/10 🏄

The # 1 reason people get nervous is because they didn't practice enough. Prepare so well that 90% of your brain can focus on your audience and only 10% on your actual words.

Even with notecards or a teleprompter, your words should come effortlessly and naturally. If you sound too rehearsed, you're not done practicing.

